Police Procedural Follows Threads of Suspicion

To purchase this book, click on the picture or links. Positive Grace receives a small amount for each book sold. Deb’s Dozen: Detailed police procedural with Evie Blackwell leads to a cold case solution. Threads of Suspicion is a detailed … Continue reading

Nursing in These Healing Hills is Rewarding

To order this book, click on the picture or links. Positive Grace receives a small amount from the sale of each book. Deb’s Dozen: Fran, a nurse-midwife, trains in the Kentucky mountains and falls in love. The Frontier Nursing Service … Continue reading

True Love Enters Troubled Waters

To purchase this book, click the picture or the links. Positive Grace receives a small stipend from each book sold. Deb’s Dozen: Neither fire nor waves nor hurricanes nor mistakes can forestall true love. Wow! This episode of the Montana … Continue reading