Shelleen: Rough Tracks
Deb’s Dozen: 12-Word Summary – Daddy’s Girl, a Fairytale, and My Love Song – Wow! Enraptured – Rough Tracks
I’ve not reviewed music before on my blog, but I have to tell you about a rare talent I had the privilege of meeting at the Writer to Writer Conference in Hershey, PA, this month. Her name is Shelleen and she’s a tall, terrifically talented singer. She gifted me with a copy of her CD as we were leaving, with the note, “Write On, Deb!”
Shelleen told me she sang for herself and occasionally in church, but that she gets into the music and lets her emotions shine through. The gals with her attested to her talent and ability. Tonight I finally had time to give the CD my attention and to listen to her music.
The first song that played was I’ll Dance – and I wanted to get up and do just that! The next one that captured me was Wow! She writes of her awe of the God we love and serve and how when she thinks of him – Wow! Daddy’s Girl tells the devil that “My Daddy’s bigger than your daddy and He who is in me is bigger than he who is in the world” [My paraphrase] My Love Song is her love song to Jesus and so beautiful. I Trust You says I open my heart to you (Jesus).
Along with the beautifully expressive words comes some rocking music – heavy on drums, with a way cool acoustic guitar. You’ll be blessed to the bottom of your heart and soul listening to Shelleen’s Rough Tracks.
About herself, Shelleen says, “Although my writing began in a time of grief and pain, it didn’t end there. I believe you will not only be entertained, but more importantly, my prayer is that you can relate to the honesty of my emotions, and be inspired. You will hear the heart of a woman, who thankfully responded to her pain by letting go of the reigns of her life and falling back into the arms of Jesus, experienced comfort, healing, restoration, and unspeakable joy!
This CD is really my testimony, and evidence I present to you of a loving Savior. My vision for this album is to point people to Him, and my prayer is that the music will do for others what it did for me… Helped me heal, worship, rejoice, and honestly express and release how I felt inside….just like my poetry…. be it good, bad, or ugly.”
Buy it! Listen! Dance! Experience the Wow! Go to www.ShelleenSings.com and be blessed.
I like that you reviewed music! Your book reviews and great, but honestly, at this phase in my life (3 little kids at home), I don’t get to read as much as I would like (a little in the morning and evening, when it’s quiet). But I can listen to music and God uses it to speak to me and fill me up. Thanks for the review — I’ll have to check out her CD.