Deb’s Dozen: Happy husband, unhappy wife, major move. Will they make amends by Christmas?
Kathi Macias’s book, A Husband’s Christmas Prayer resonated with me. I’m one of the wives who have been moved to follow a husband’s career. Most times, I was fine with the move; one almost cost us our marriage. Paul and Diana Michelson faced the same situation. They had married and embraced ministry together. As a result, when a ministry opportunity came up for Paul to be senior pastor of his own church, he jumped at the job without consulting his wife. She put on a brave face, but was deeply hurt by the move—both because Paul didn’t consult her and by the fact she had to give up friends and a home she loved. The town to which they moved was small and lacked the amenities of the city they’d left. Paul’s job as the sole pastor left him little time for his children or his wife.
Will they be able to surmount the hurts and hardships? Will Paul ever understand why his wife is so unhappy? Will Diana ever find her place in this new environment? Will the ministry ever encompass them both again?
I enjoyed reading this book. The struggles Paul goes through gave me insight into the struggles my husband may have had. And I enjoyed getting to know the characters who became real to me as the book progressed. A Husband’s Christmas Prayer is a keeper—and one to be reread for the many insights to be gained. Four stars.
Kathi Macias is a prolific author and editor who has written more than forty books. She has won awards for several including the Golden Scroll Novel of the Year for Red Ink along with finaling for a Carol for that book. She speaks at women’s retreats and churches, has a prison outreach, and mentors many. Kathi lives in California with her husband, Al, and loves being a mom and grandmom.