Deb’s Dozen: Loneliness is common to all of us. Jack gives us coping mechanisms.
Jack Eason, in his debut book, The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World, wrote about a state of mind common to all of us. But rather than merely talk about the emotion and its toll on our lives, Jack gives us rationale and solutions.
I have felt lonely and out of the loop most of my life. I always preferred to be by myself reading rather than socializing with others. And yet, I am energized when I am with people, and I enjoy the interactions. Shy by nature when growing up, I learned to operate out of my comfort zone by considering other people might feel the same way. I discovered this in college, standing in my normal wallflower position at a dance. Noticing another girl in the same position, I got up the courage to go over to talk with her. By reaching out to her, I both conquered my loneliness and made a new friend.
Jack wrote the book in two sections: “The Problem of Loneliness” and “The Loneliness Solution.” He employed a very logical methodology to look at the situation. I discovered I feel normal feelings—-and being “normal” is reassuring. Jack talks about not fitting in and that we shouldn’t try to. Rather, we should strive for belonging. Finding a place to be or people to be with where we can be ourselves without trying to be someone we’re not. He covers the topics of isolation and breaking its pull along with other coping mechanisms we should employ. Jack gives us techniques to try that are not as challenging as face to face interactions.
Solutions exist in both parts of his book. But Part Two lends itself more as instruction to those who are willing to step out-—to find community and to realize empowerment and completeness exist more when we are with others. Prayer, stewardship, worship—all more powerful in the company of others.
For me, The Loneliness Solution reassured me. I validated my feelings, and I could see the steps I took are good ones. Get the book, read it, and take notes. If you’re not the person in the book, someone close to you is and you’ll be able to help them break the cycle. Five stars!
About the Author
Jack serves as the executive director of Crossover Cups Mission, a ministry that encourages, equips, and enriches the lives of people. They are presently working with Third World countries. He also consults on fundraising with different nonprofit organizations. He is married to Lynette, an award-winning author of some note, they have two children and live in South Carolina.
Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, gave me a copy of The Loneliness Solution: Finding Meaningful Connection in a Disconnected World, but did not require me in any way to write a review.