Deb’s Dozen: We all have our giants. Overcome yours by living a fruit-filled life.
Jesus and the Beanstalk by Lori Stanley Roeleveld. The book has long been released. I was on her street team. I was supposed to read and tout the book throughout my social media. I was supposed to write this review and post it everywhere during her blog tour. I didn’t.
I confess I had a very hard time reading this book. Lori always makes me think. She makes me consider things I don’t necessarily want to face—my giants. She causes me to ponder and consider and remember and confess. Most of all, she makes me desire to change.
Lori, through her blog, LoriRoeleveld.com, and through this Jesus and the Beanstalk book, makes me want to grow closer to Jesus. She makes me want to spend more time with him. She makes me want to love you—and I must admit I don’t always. She challenges me to think about virtue and perseverance and knowledge and true love. Of faith and godliness, of goodness and self-control. I don’t like to think of those things; I fall too short in embodying them. But we all do, and there stands Jesus. He knows we can’t be or do or exemplify any of these things without him.
I took months to read this book. I missed all my commitments to help promote the book. But I’ve learned, I’ve thought, I’ve started to change. So, I challenge you to go on this journey with Jesus and the Beanstalk. Begin today to live a more fruitful life and grow closer to him—without needing magic beans and a beanstalk.
Five stars. Buy Jesus and the Beanstalk. Savor the wisdom and teaching. And conquer your giants.
Lori Stanley Roeleveld is an award-winning author who lives and works in a small town, Hope Valley, Rhode Island. She has written Running from a Crazy Man (and other adventures traveling with Jesus) and Red Pen Redemption. Her blog was voted into the Top 100 Christian Blots by RedeemingGod.com and has received over 1.5 million views. Lori frequently teaches at writers’ conferences, sharing her wealth of information.
Abingdon Press gave me an advance reader’s copy of this book. I was not obligated to write a favorable review.