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Deb’s Dozen: One family + three siblings + three romances = absolutely delightful reading pleasure and enjoyment.
St. Clair Family
Book One: Plan B
Kelsea Anderson’s mom asks her, “What’s your Plan B?” after Kelsea’s fiancé breaks their engagement four days before their wedding. Her sister Morgan always had alternate plans, but Kelsea usually flew by the seat of her pants. When a reminder of her supposed honeymoon flight pops up, Kelsea decides to go by herself to the romantic Caribbean island of Jardin. After all, that was the only aspect of the whole wedding process the groom’s mom had allowed Kelsea to plan (and pay for).
Landon St. Clair finds himself in the very same position although his bride-to-be left him standing at the altar after even the bridesmaids had walked the aisle. He too decides to go solo on the honeymoon trip to the Island of Gardens.
Check in is awkward for both of them … but the owners, Rosie and Ike Goldman were sympathetic and said they’d try to make the week enjoyable, nevertheless. The Goldmans, true romantics at heart, definitely were pros at Plan B. You will enjoy every page of the scheming, agita, and romance that ensues. You can predict the ending, but the path there charms. The ups and downs and mishaps will keep you turning the pages.
Book Two: Home to You
Kelsea St. Clair and her sister, Morgan Anderson, spend time chatting about the twins and who will be at the babies’ dedication. Rosie and Ike, of course, and Landon’s twin brother, Brandon. During their conversation, Morgan relates her thoughts about adopting a child. Single, she feels she will never marry as an illness left her unable to bear children.
Recently widowed Brandon St. Clair must now raise his two daughters on his own. He and the girls travel to Landon’s for the twin’s dedication service. Driving rain drenches them on the last leg of the trip, and just as he gets about to the driveway, a figure hunched under an umbrella dashes across the road in front of him. The figure turns out to be a woman … in fact, Kelsea’s sister, Morgan. And so starts round two of the St. Clair Family series. Do Brandon and Morgan end up together? They start off not even speaking to each other—both think the other is insufferable. Again, a predictable ending, but a totally unpredictable path to that ending. This story was even more fun than the first in the series. You’ll love getting to know Brandon and Morgan.
Book Three: Bait and Switch
Morgan and Brandon had been disappointed the guys’ sister, Reagan, had not come home for their wedding. But as a reporter, always on a hot and often dangerous story, Reagan often disappears for long periods of time. However, she and her DEA buddy Dane Corsica show up at the wedding and need the St. Clair brothers’ help to hide them. They’ve been shot at while undercover trying to bust a drug ring.
After attracting Landon’s attention as the wedding party walks back down the aisle, Dane and Reagan head to a garden shed where they can wait unseen. On the way, Dane’s spies a gorgeous blonde who just happens to be Reagan’s younger sister, Sara.
And we’re off again … Dane and Reagan need to hide out. Where do they go? Rosie and Ike’s Jardin Island of course. An isle of romance? Dane and Reagan are not attracted to each other—at least Reagan isn’t. Enter a whole lot of mix ups and misadventures, with twists, turns and surprises enough for another couple of books! You will love this third of the St. Clair Family series.
Seldom do I review three books in a series at once, but author Erin Stevenson shared the entire St. Clair Family series with me all at once—you can purchase them individually or as a bundle. And I can’t resist a good, clean romance story, especially one involving siblings of two (or was it three?) families. You will love them too—a solid five stars!
Erin Stevenson taught for many years—from pre-school classes through college level. She currently works in training and internal communication for an international corporation. Erin also loves spending time with her family—children and grandchildren—and dabbles in gardening which she relates means mostly pulling weeds. She lived many places in the US, but now resides in Iowa. Look for her Perfect Match series coming this year. You can find out more about Erin on her website,
Erin Stevenson gave me an e-book copy of the St. Clair Family series, but no obligation to write a review ensued.